Adverb - क्रिया-विशेषण (Kriyā-Viśeṣaṇ)
An adverb in Hindi, known as "क्रिया-विशेषण" (Kriyā-Viśeṣaṇ), is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. It provides additional information about the manner, time, place, frequency, or degree of an action or quality.
Type of Adverbs
Manner Adverbs(रीतिवाचक क्रिया- विशेषण )
Manner adverbs describe how an action is performed. They provide information about the style or way in which an action takes place.
Example:- राम धीरे-धीरे चलता है। (Ram walks slowly.)
- सीता जल्दी समझती है। (Sita understands quickly.)
- वह बड़ी खुशी-खुशी बोला। (He spoke happily.)
Manner Adverbs have 9 types:
- विधिवाचक (Method) - धीरे - धीरे (Slowly-Slowly) , हाथों-हाथ सुखपूर्वक(Hand in Hand Happily), शीघ्र (Soon)
- निश्चयवाचक (Decisiveness) - नि: संदेह (Undoubtedly), जरूर (Sure)
- अनिश्चयवाचक (Indecisiveness) - अक्सर (Often) , कदाचित (Perhaps) , शायद (Perhaps)
- हेतुवाचक (Purpose) - अतएव (Therefore), इसलिए (Thats why), किसलिए (Why)
- निरोधवाचक (Prohibition) - नहीं (No) , मत (Don’t) , ना (No) , कभी नहीं (Never)
- प्रश्नवाचक (Interrogative) - कैसे (How) , क्यों (Why) , क्या (What)
- अवधारण वाचक (Concept) - भर (Throughout) , तक (Till) , मात्र (Only)
- आकस्मिकता वाचक (Suddenness) - अचानक (Suddenly) , एकाएक (All of a sudden) , अकस्मात (All of a sudden) , सहसा (All of a sudden)
Time Adverbs(कालवाचक क्रिया-विशेषण)
Time adverbs indicate when an action takes place. They provide information about the timing or frequency of an action.
Example:- अब तुम्हारी बारी है। (Now it's your turn.)
- मैंने कल उससे मिला। (I met him/her yesterday.)
- वहाँ बहुत समय से है। (It has been a long time there.)
Time adverbs has 3 types:
- काल बिंदु वाचक (Point) - आज (Today) , कल (Tomorrow) , परसों (Day After Tomorrow), अब (Now) , तक (Till)
- अवधिवाचक (Duration) - आजकल (Nowadays) , सदैव (Always) , रातभर (All Night) , दिनभर (All Day)
- बारम्बारता (Frequency) - हर दिन (Everyday) , रोज़ (Everyday) , प्रतिदिन (Everyday) , प्रतिवर्ष (Every Year)
Place Adverbs(स्थानवाचक क्रिया-विशेषण)
Place adverbs specify the location of an action. They provide information about where the action is happening.
Example:- राम यहाँ बैठा है। (Ram is sitting here.)
- वह कहीं गया है। (He has gone somewhere.)
- वहाँ बड़ी भीड़ है। (There is a big crowd there.)
There are 2 types of Place Adverbs:
- स्थितिवाचक (Position) : आस-पास (Around), आर -पार (Across), चारों-ओर (Around) , पीछे (Behind)
- दिशावाचक (Direction) : आमने -सामने (Face To Face) , ऊपर(Above) , निचे (Below), दाएँ (Right) , बाएँ (Left) , इधर - उधर (Here And There)
Degree Adverbs (परिमाण वाचक क्रिया - विशेषण)
Degree adverbs express the extent or intensity of an action or quality. They provide information about the degree or level of the action.
Example:- बहुत उच्च है। (It is very high.)
- वह थोड़ा दुखी है। (He is a little sad.)
- उसने काम बिलकुल ठीक किया। (He did the work perfectly.)
There are five types of Degree Adverbs:
- अधिकता वाचक (Excess) : खूब (A Lot) , अत्यंत (Extremely) , अधिक (More)
- न्यूनता वाचक (Minimal) - कम (Less), थोड़ा (Little)
- पर्याप्त वाचक (Adequate) - पर्याप्त (Enough), काफी (Enough)
- तुलना वाचक (Compression) - कितना ( How much) , जितना (As much)
- श्रेणी वाचक (Category) - बारी-बारी से (One By One , कम से (At least), थोड़ा-थोड़ा (Little by Little)